Tabernacle Lectures

Tabernacle Lectures (1)

The first half of Exodus explains in detail how the Israelite people came out of Egypt. In the second half, it continues with the law that came down. After that, it speaks about the tabernacle, starting in chapter 25, and Exodus ends when the tabernacle is completed.

John 5:39 says, “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.” Here, “the Scriptures” means the Old Testament. The Old Testament is showing Jesus in many places. One of them is the tabernacle, which is the clearest and most detailed picture of Jesus. The Bible is recording about Jesus, but if look at it and you do not know the heart of God that is hidden inside it, then you only know the outer shell, and it is meaningless.

If you look at the tabernacle from the outside, there is nothing beautiful or admirable about it. The tabernacle was in the desert, and it was covered by a really long and white linen cloth, so it did not look attractive at all. But if you entered inside the tabernacle, into the Holy Place and Most Holy Place, everywhere you looked was made of gold.

If you look in Exodus 38:24, the gold that went into building the Holy Place was 29 talents and 730 shekels. One talent is 34.717 kilograms. So in total, that is almost one ton of gold. This incredible and treasured gold was covered by linen cloth, which was not worth admiring from the outside. Jesus was like this. His outer appearance was not worth looking at, but there is nothing in the world that would not be changed by the precious things he has inside.

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