Burnt Offering (2)
Leviticus talks about the burnt offering first. The lamb or the cow is skinned, cut into pieces, fat is removed, its intestines and organs washed in water, and all of this being burnt at the altar is the burnt offering. The burnt offering is the offering man gives when coming before God. Just as the offering’s head, chest, and legs are all burnt up, it is about throwing away all of our thoughts and will. This is necessary because without it, we can never follow the word of God.
Just as Leviticus starts with the burnt offering, we are capable of following the word of God after all of our thoughts have been thrown away. We can truly follow the word of God when this has been done. When we look at the word of God with our thoughts, we will try to understand the word of God in our ways, and it becomes impossible to understand the word of God.
Many places in the Bible tell us that through the blood of Jesus we have been made righteous and holy. That is what the Bible says but there are so many people who think they are sinners among people who believe in Jesus. They may think it is right to think this way because they have sinned and have done evil. However, they think this way because they do not know the meaning of the burnt offering. Abraham later on turned his heart around and believed the word of God, had a son, and gave glory to God. Just as Abraham did so, the burnt offering is about throwing all of our thoughts away and simply accepting the word of God as it is. The person who has burned up all of his thoughts and holds only the word of God in his heart, that person is a true person of faith.